Friday, June 4, 2010

Corporate Wellness - Is Stress Running Your Team Into the Ground?

Being the business leader, chances are that you have, through education and experience, several ways you successfully cope with work stressors. You do this not only to perform better at work but also to not let work impact the rest of your life. But are your employees as good you are, or are you just assuming that because you can, they can too? Often we are mistaken.

There are really only two ways to deal with stress and if you are not aware of these techniques, you are more likely to succumb to all the ill effects accompanying excessive stress. For the record, excessive stress is not a measure of the stressor itself, but the individual's resistance and coping abilities. So what are these techniques? I'd like to call them Eliminate or Accept & Deflect. Let me briefly describe both to you.

Eliminate (the stressor)

Let's say the stressor is your workplace, the easiest way to get rid of the stress is to change workplace. It is that simple. Remove the stressor and you remove its effect on you. Now I am not advocating running from your problems (only you know what the underlying issues may be), only to illustrate how effective fully eliminating your stressor can be.

Accept & Deflect (the stressor)

Unfortunately we cannot always eliminate what stresses us out. Let's say the stressor is a person at your workplace, it's not likely that you can remove him/her or remove yourself without quitting your job (which is more often than not something you don't want to do). So you need to learn how to live with it. You need to literally accept that he or she is there and deflect the impact he or she has over you. Every time we let someone push our buttons, it's because our personal barriers are weak and that we - let - them - do - it - to - us. People can only affect you if you let them, while the solution is easier said than done; it's the only way. We can't change everything, but what we can change is our response and our reactions.

Essentially it doesn't matter what the stressor is, if it's a person, a past or future event or something beyond our control. If it's affecting us in a negative way, it needs to be dealt with. My wish is that you are now more aware of what tools to use and how to implement them for yourself, but also, for your team. Your company cannot run without you and you cannot run a successful company without a fully functioning team. Good luck making Corporate Wellness a part of your business!



Anders N W Lindgreen,

Specialising in []Corporate Wellness. You should follow me on Twitter []here.

Article Source: [] Corporate Wellness - Is Stress Running Your Team Into the Ground?

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